
What if emotions had colors?

With new collection Fancy, Brosway reworks the meaning of color, transforming it into a source of energy that transmits emotions and reflects the personality of the person wearing it.

Fancy offers a wide selection of jewelry in 925 sterling silver: colored charms, bracelets, earrings, and rings with colored cubic zirconia that can be combined to light up every outfit with a different shade, just like we do with makeup!

With new collection Fancy, Brosway reworks the meaning of color, transforming it into a source of energy that transmits emotions and reflects the personality of the person wearing it.

Fancy offers a wide selection of jewelry in 925 sterling silver: colored charms, bracelets, earrings, and rings with colored cubic zirconia that can be combined to light up every outfit with a different shade, just like we do with makeup!

fancy color palette & mix

Every day can be an opportunity to express yourself and your unique personal style! Discover the Fancy palette and all the color combinations to brighten up your outfits and showcase your personality!

All the jewelry is made of 925‰ sterling silver and cubic zirconia.

Touch the color to find out more

color parure

vitamin orange

It combines the warmth of red with the brightness of yellow, evoking energy, adventure, and a sense of liveliness.

color parure

vitamin orange

It combines the warmth of red with the brightness of yellow, evoking energy, adventure, and a sense of liveliness.

fvo02 - €34

fvo05 - €92

fvo10 - €34

fvo20 - €45

Or have fun mixing multiple colors together. Here are our suggestions:

color mix 01

color mix 02

color parure

energy yellow

Symbol of creativity, curiosity, and light, evokes a sense of warmth, energy, mental stimulation, and positivity.

color parure

energy yellow

It's symbol of creativity, curiosity, and light, evokes a sense of warmth, energy, mental stimulation, and positivity.

fey01 - €34

fey05 - €92

fey09 - €39

fey14 - €51

Or have fun mixing multiple colors together. Here are our suggestions:

color mix 01

color mix 02

color parure

passion ruby

It represents love, vital energy, passion, and power, evoking a sense of warmth, strength, and dynamism.

color parure

passion ruby

It represents love, vital energy, passion, and power, evoking a sense of warmth, strength, and dynamism.

fpr02 - €34

fpr08 - €24

fpr11 - €51

fpr04 - €92

Or have fun mixing multiple colors together. Here are our suggestions:

color mix 01

color mix 02

color parure


It symbolizes affection, tenderness, unconditional love, and a light-hearted atmosphere, evoking the sweetness of life.

color parure


It symbolizes affection, tenderness, unconditional love, and an atmosphere of lightness, evoking the sweetness of life.

fvp02 - €34

fvp05 - €80

fvp07 - €24

fvp11 - €45

Or have fun mixing multiple colors together. Here are our suggestions:

color mix 01

color mix 02

color parure

magic purple

It embodies wisdom, spirituality, and mystery to deepen self-understanding and promote personal growth.

color parure

magic purple

It embodies wisdom, spirituality, and mystery, suggesting introspection, depth, and the pursuit of inner truth.

fmp02 - €28

fmp05 - €75

fmp14 - €39

fmp11 - €26

Or have fun mixing multiple colors together. Here are our suggestions:

color mix 01

color mix 02

color parure

cloud light blue

It represents peace, calmness, and serenity, communicating a sense of relaxation, balance, and harmony with oneself and the surrounding world.

color parure

cloud light blue

It represents peace, calm, and serenity, conveying a sense of relaxation, balance, and harmony with oneself and the surrounding world.

fcl02 - €34

fcl13 - €51

fcl06 - €16

fcl05 - €80

Or have fun mixing multiple colors together. Here are our suggestions:

color mix 01

color mix 02

color parure

freedom blue

This message symbolizes freedom, infinity, and depth, evoking the desire to explore new horizons and the vastness of the ocean.

color parure

freedom blue

It symbolizes freedom, infinity, and depth, and evokes the desire to explore new horizons and the vastness of the ocean.

ffb02 - €34

ffb04 - €92

ffb05 - €19

ffb09 - €45

Or have fun mixing multiple colors together. Here are our suggestions:

color mix 01

color mix 02

color parure

life green

It represents life, growth, and regeneration, evoking the energy of nature, freshness, and hope.

color parure

life green

It represents life, growth, and regeneration, evoking the energy of nature, freshness, and hope.

flg02 - €34

flg06 - €19

flg09 - €45

flg04 - €92

Or have fun mixing multiple colors together. Here are our suggestions:

color mix 01

color mix 02

color parure

infinite white

It embodies purity, innocence, and transcendence, symbolizing a new beginning, light, and divinity.

color parure

infinite white

It embodies purity, innocence, and transcendence, symbolizing a new beginning, light, and divinity.

fiw04 - €34

fiw05 - €75

fiw10 - €22

fiw16 - €39

Or have fun mixing multiple colors together. Here are our suggestions:

color mix 01

color mix 02

color parure

mystery black

It conveys a sense of mystery, the unfamiliar, and profundity, signifying hidden wisdom, challenges, and transitions in one's life.

color parure

mystery black

It symbolizes mystery, the unknown and depth, representing hidden knowledge, challenges and transformations of existence.

fmb02 - €28

fmb07 - €16

fmb10 - €39

fmb05 - €87

Or have fun mixing multiple colors together. Here are our suggestions:

color mix 01

color mix 02

Fancy Brosway: Scopri la Brillantezza dei Gioielli con Cubic Zirconia

Benvenuti nella collezione Fancy di Brosway, dove l'eleganza e lo stile si fondono alla luminosità dei Cubic Zirconia. Una linea di gioielli unica che ti permetterà di esprimere la tua personalità in ogni sua sfumatura. Lasciati ammaliare dalla bellezza scintillante degli orecchini, dei charm, degli anelli e dei bracciali con cristalli colorati Cubic Zirconia.Scegli i colori che raccontano al meglio la tua personalità: dal rosso al bianco, dal rosa al viola, dall’azzurro al blu, fino al verde e al nero.

Gioielli con pietre colorate: a ognuno la sua sfumatura

Fancy si distingue per il design raffinato e la varietà di colori disponibili. Ogni gioiello di questa collezione è realizzato in argento 925 e completato con Cubic Zirconia colorati: scegli i tuoi colori preferiti e divertiti a creare le tue combinazioni uniche. Dalle sfumature romantiche del rosa e del viola, alla vivacità dell'azzurro e del blu, fino alla freschezza del verde, alla luminosità del bianco e alla profondità del nero. Ogni colore porta con sé un significato e un'energia unica, da abbinare al tuo mood e al tuo stile. Che tu stia cercando un tocco di romanticismo o di audace eleganza, nella collezione Fancy troverai il gioiello perfetto per te.

Anelli con cristalli colorati: Luce da Indossare

I gioielli con Cubic Zirconia della collezione Fancy donano un tocco di luce e raffinatezza ai tuoi momenti speciali. Gli orecchini con cristalli colorati faranno brillare i tuoi look più eleganti. I bracciali in argento con Cubic Zirconia possono essere indossati singolarmente per un tocco delicato e prezioso o in abbinamenti policromatici per creare un effetto più audace e di tendenza. Gli anelli Cubic Zirconia sono il modo perfetto per celebrare i momenti importanti della vita, come un anniversario o un compleanno, Lasciati ispirare dai colori disponibili e divertiti a realizzare le tue personalissime parure.

La qualità del Cubic Zirconia: orecchini, anelli, bracciali e charm in argento

Oltre all’attenzione al dettaglio, i gioielli Fancy di Brosway si distinguono per l’alta qualità dei materiali con i quali sono realizzati. Abbiamo scelto infatti l’argento sterling 925, un metallo prezioso che dona ai gioielli luminosità per durare a lungo nel tempo. Abbiamo completato ogni gioiello con Cubic Zirconia, una pietra dalla lucentezza unica e dai colori intensi. Scegliere un gioiello della collezione Fancy di Brosway significa indossare un pezzo unico che cattura l'attenzione e non lascia indifferenti. Esplora tutti i colori della collezione Fancy. Scegli il tuo preferito: